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"World refugee day" 世界難民の日

June 12, 2020 ·

Many people are enjoying walking and jogging in Cruces Park this morning.

More people than before the coronavirus crisis. Is it because death is close to me and I am strongly conscious of life?

Seeking life, people crisscross the park from east to west, from south to north. And, of course, everyone, myself included, goes home after exercising.

Adjacent to this park is a former prison.

It is now used as a place for foreigners to register their residence. I also renew my residence permit here every five years.

There is a detention center within the facility, where "illegal immigrants" are detained.

The prison was built during the Franco dictatorship and housed approximately 1,000 political prisoners.

This photo has one overlapping image.

The Spanish Civil War, which began in 1936, ended in victory for Franco's rebel forces in 1939. The people of the defeated Republic side fled to France as refugees through the winter Pyrenees.

Political systems, history, ethnic and religious conflicts, North-South issues, poverty issues, and various other issues are intricately intertwined, giving rise to conflicts and human rights violations.

In order to protect themselves and their families, people are forced to leave their home countries and flee as refugees.

Since World War I, wars and conflicts have created a domino effect, creating many refugees each time.

There is no ``race'' or ``ethnicity'' named ``refugee.'' One day, when they suddenly find themselves in danger and abandon their home country, they are labeled as refugees.

The chances of them returning to their home countries are extremely slim. They are forced to live in refugee camps until they are accepted by another country. They can no longer return to the homes they lived in.

There are many refugees in the world today, and the number continues to rise. The refugee label will not be lifted until they return to their "normal" lives, like us, where they have their own homes, jobs, and live with their families.

The refugee issue is, of course, an international, global issue that cannot be solved by a single country. It is possible to avoid being affected by domino effects. Either the dominoes should be spaced more apart, or the dominoes should be glued together to prevent them from falling over.

World Refugee Day, June 20th, is coming soon.

今朝もこの公園で、多くの人が散歩やジョギングを楽しんでいる。 コロナウイルス危機以前より人が多い。死が身近にあり生を強く意識する為か。

生を求めて、東から西に、南から北に、人は公園の中を縦横に交差する。 そして、当然だが、私を含め皆、運動の後は自宅に帰る。

この写真の松林の後ろ側に元刑務所がある。今は外国人の居留登録の手続きをする場所になっている。 私もここで5年毎に滞在許可証の更新をする。施設内には拘置所があって、「不法滞在者」が拘束されている。

この刑務所はフランコ独裁時代に建てられ、約1000人の政治犯が収監された。 この写真には一つのイメージが重なる。1936年に始まったスペイン内戦は1939年にフランコ率いる反乱軍側の勝利に終わった。そして冬のピレネーの中を、難民となってフランスに逃れる、敗れた共和国側の人々。


第一次世界大戦以降、戦争や紛争がドミノ式に連鎖して、その度に多くの難民を生んできている。 「難民」という名前の「人種」や「民族」があるわけでない。ある日突然、彼らの身に危険が迫り、自国を棄てる時、難民のレッテルが貼られる。自国に帰る可能性は限りなく少ない。彼らは他国に受け入れられるまで難民キャンプでの生活を余儀なくされる。彼らは自分が暮らしていた家にはもう戻れないのだ。


難民問題は当然一国では解決できない国際的なグローバルな問題だ。 ドミノ倒しの影響を受けないようにすることは可能だ。 ドミノ同士の間隔をもっと広げるか、それとも倒れないようにドミノ同士をくっ付けて一つにするかだろう。




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