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"Return to the womb" 胎内回帰

June 24, 2020 ·

With the "social distancing" we learned during the coronavirus crisis, we choose roads less traveled.

When people appear in front of us, we avoid them by crossing to the other side of the road. This is proof that the instinct to avoid danger is working.

Meanwhile, empty beer bottles from the previous night's party are scattered around the park in the early morning.

This morning, police were again cracking down on several young people who spent the night drinking in a park.

On weekends, teenagers head out into the ``City of Joy'' from late at night. The danger of infection is overcome by the instinct to seek pleasure.

Can the “desire to live” coexist with the “fear of death”?

Pleasure is the antidote to pain. Because there is pain, we desire pleasure.

The accumulated pain of coronavirus oppression must be offset by an equal amount of pleasure.

When the pain becomes so intense that it borders on the danger of death, it is natural for living things to awaken to sexuality (life).

Instinct allows us to avoid danger, but if we pursue it to its ultimate level, it will reset "life." In other words, it is a circular ``rebirth'' where people die and are reborn. The life instinct and the death instinct are two sides of the same coin.

This leads to an unconscious movement of the mind to relive the inorganic state before birth.

This is the experience of returning to the state before birth, ``returning to the womb.'' There, the distinction between self and other disappears, and a world of chaos arises where there is no separation of things.

This would be ``Being united with the universe'' in Eastern thought.

Since we can recognize things independently, changes in things are recognized. We know the passage of time by the changes in things. Therefore, in a world where individualized things disappear, time also disappears.

At the same time, we lose our desire for things.

In other words, it means that the whole person = God.

However, God never creates ``coincidence.'' And luck is a fortune brought about by ``coincidence.'' That's why we want time and we want good fortune.

When we escape from God's gaze and awaken as humans, we begin to desire time that brings us good fortune.

Rather than simply following the predetermined rules determined by God, people want to carve out an unknown destiny and bet on it. This will help humanity as a whole overcome the limits of possibility.

However, even so, the ``desire for death'' is irresistibly strong.

Is death really the goal of life?

Michelangelo's Pietà Rondanini collapses,

Da Vinci's Mona Lisa smiles in confusion towards its creator,

Cézanne's Mount Sainte-Victoire, broken down into paint stains;

Van Gogh's sunflowers shine and wither,

Giacometti's statue turned to dust,

Francis Bacon's human body being torn apart and disintegrating in mid-air.

The universe of Jackson Pollock, splashed with enamel...














生まれる前の無機的な状態への追体験への無意識な精神の躍動に繋がる。こうした生まれる前の状態に戻ることが「胎内回帰 」の経験であり、また東洋の思想での「梵我一如 」だろう。










だが、それでも、「死への希求」は抗しがたく強い。 遍く、生の目標は死であるのか。

崩れ去るミケランジェロの「ロンダニーニのピエタ」、 創造主へ戸惑い微笑むダビンチのモナリザ、 絵の具の染みに分解したセザンヌのサント・ビクトワール山、 輝きながら枯れ朽ちるゴッホのひまわり、 ほこりに変わるジャコメッティの彫像、 引き裂かれ空中分解するフランシス・ベーコンの人体、 エナメルの飛び散るジャクソン・ポロックの宇宙、、



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