"Ordinary people" 普通の人達
July 26, 2020 · Sometimes music suddenly starts playing on the Madrid subway. It may be a guitar or flute performance. When the...

``Art has no purpose'' アートは目的を持たない
July 23, 2020 · It has already been more than four months since Spain first declared a state of emergency in response to the coronavirus...

"Chaos and Order" カオスと秩序
July 21, 2020 · Even in the blazing sun of Madrid, the temperature suddenly drops after 10 p.m. Neighbors bring beer to the now cool...

"Ambiguity" 曖昧さ
July 19, 2020 · When I go for a morning walk and look up at the sky, I see a bright star near the moon. It's Venus. Every morning, the...

"Images and Words" 画像と言葉
“The Madonna of the Carnation”, Leonardo da Vinci July 11, 2020 · The world surrounding us contains an infinite amount of information....

"Internal journey" 内面的な旅
July 6, 2020 Spain has other specialty products besides Iberian ham. That's a cherry. The cherries from the Valle del Jarte in...

"Artificial nature" 人工的自然
July 4, 2020 · Several kinds of birds sing in the park, and ducks swim in the pond.The well-mowed lawn is splashed with water and looks...

"Differentiated world" 差異化された世界
June 28, 2020 · This morning I was able to see a distant view at the park for the first time in a while. The long period of isolation...

"Words" 言葉
June 25, 2020 · As June approaches its end, temperatures in Madrid start to rise rapidly from around 10am. However, a walk in the park...

"Return to the womb" 胎内回帰
June 24, 2020 · With the "social distancing" we learned during the coronavirus crisis, we choose roads less traveled. When people appear...