"Chaos and Order" カオスと秩序

July 21, 2020 ·
Even in the blazing sun of Madrid, the temperature suddenly drops after 10 p.m.
Neighbors bring beer to the now cool park, and the party begins.
On weekends, the party can go on until dawn, and people become bacchus.
Bacchus is the ancient Greek god of wine.
He celebrates intoxication and frenzy, and the rebirth and liberation of the soul. He is truly vibrant and represents eternal life.
In ancient Greece, people devoted all their energy to living.
It can be said that their desires and passions were unleashed to the fullest, and the things they sought crystallized, creating most of the fields that exist today, including art, science, mathematics, politics, and engineering.
For them, the world in which they lived was a unique life, and although it was a place of joy, ``life'' was not suffering.
Death was not something they should fear.
With the will of power, they were always in pursuit of originality, complete humanity, and immortal individuality.
Monday morning light shines brightly on the remains of the orgy where beer bottles are scattered. And then the five days of working for a living begin again.
Where does this empty feeling that not only covers Madrid but Europe today come from?
There's nothing worth believing in, and everything feels pointless, like ``no matter what I do, it's pointless'' and ``society is full of lies and manipulated by someone.'' Politics is a farce and we are starting to doubt even science and medicine.
A certain sense of resignation has robbed us of the power to bring about major changes in society.
Is this the same as an empty feeling in Indian philosophy?
For example, Buddhism preaches liberation from the pain of living.
"Everything is an illusion without reality. Give up on the desires that give rise to attachment. Stop your thoughts and actions and eliminate your ego. Then, when you become one with the universe, you will be freed from samsara."
Of course, yoga and meditation, which are now popular all over the world, will have the effect of cooling down the excesses and overheating of desire and passion using Eastern thought.
However, I think that the ``an empty feeling'' that is prevalent in Europe is so deep-rooted that it cannot be treated with such fever-reducing drugs.
In ancient Greece, the Sophists preached, ``Each person's sense of reality is true at that moment. Therefore, the standard for all judgments is individual. Therefore, there is no eternally objective truth. ”
However, Socrates retorted, saying, ``That's stupid. In such a chaotic world where there are no standards of value that are common to all people, it will be impossible to find happiness and dignity in life.''
This is understandable; if each person acts arbitrarily based on their own values, everyone will not be able to live in peace.
Everyone says, "I'm right."
So what should we set as a common norm that will satisfy everyone?
Therefore, logic was born as a way for people all over the world to pursue universality regardless of their culture, tradition, or religion.
It is as convincing as an absolute truth that leaves no room for debate, like 1+1=2. Emotional elements are naturally excluded.
For the first time, people were able to stand on a platform of shared values.
After experiencing World Wars I and II, the world finally proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 at the United Nations General Assembly.
This will protect the human rights and freedoms of people around the world. Logic won.
Since then, people have felt comfortable following the very absolute norms established to protect human rights.
However, although this is an escape from chaos, does it not mean erasing originality, or life itself?
In other words, if safety and protection from danger are thoroughly ensured, there will be no dynamic ``life.''
It is a fossilized or mummified ``life'' fixed by absolute ideas. The passage of time strengthens its persistence. There is no longer any room for change, and a feeling of powerlessness, unable to say anything, dominates people.
If the logical world is strictly enforced, individual originality will be lost, and if individuals continue to pursue originality, the world will return to chaos.
Art can be said to be a constant struggle between vectors that try to bring the chaos of the world into order and vectors that turn the ordered world into chaos.
Picasso: "Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction."
2020年7月21日 ·
マドリッドだけでなく、現在のヨーロッパを覆っているこの虚無感/an empty feelingは一体どこから来るのか?
これはインド哲学の虚無感/an empty feeling と同じか?
しかしヨーロッパに蔓延る、「虚無感/an empty feeling」 はそうした解熱剤では対処できないくらい根は深いように私は思う。
ピカソ: 「あらゆる創造活動はまずなによりも破壊活動である」