"Internal journey" 内面的な旅

July 6, 2020
Spain has other specialty products besides Iberian ham.
That's a cherry. The cherries from the Valle del Jarte in Extremadura are especially delicious.
After all, they are expensive even in Spain, and at the Moroccan-run greengrocer I often go to, dark cherries are placed near the cash register like jewels.The way the shop owner carefully separates each cherry by hand and packs it into bags is reminiscent of the hands and faces of farmers who harvest cherries.
In the developed capitalist society we live in, we can purchase "products" from all over the world in abundance and easily.It is a society supported by many invisible people.
However, in a society where products are distributed so rapidly, the faces of the workers involved are no longer visible. There is simply an exchange of money and goods.Capitalist society has spread by converting labor into numbers and commodifying it, so this is a natural result.
The progress of capitalism can be said to have erased the human face from products.In other words, don't we live surrounded by ``a labor force that has been commodified and has a price attached to it?''
It's no wonder that we think, ``It's my freedom to do whatever I want with the products I buy.''There is no way that the efforts and feelings of the people who created the product will affect our emotions, and we will not be moved.
Satisfaction level is determined solely by the level of cost performance.Furthermore, it would be unrealistic to tell people to be grateful."Let's be grateful" is as slogan-like as "Peace is important."
``Having a feeling of gratitude'' is not originally an abstract concept. It is not just words, but emotions that arise from visible and invisible social acts that benefit oneself and others.
For example, it may come from a feeling of compassion for the faces of the people who made the products in front of us, or the hands of the people who did the work for us.It is an affirmation of the reality that we can live our lives because of these things.
Now that society has become affluent and goods are saturated, we should start choosing products that have individuality, that is, products that show the creator's face, without using "cost performance" as a criterion for judgment. If we do, we will begin to use those products with care.As a result, I think a sense of gratitude will naturally arise within us.
Having a feeling of gratitude can be said to mean expanding our gaze to the world that keeps us alive, and taking an internal journey while imagining the faces and landscapes of the people who live there.
スペインはイベリコ豚の生ハム以外にも、特産物がある。それはさくらんぼだ。特にエクストレマドゥーラ地方のヘルテ/Valle del Jarteの谷のさくらんぼは最高だ。
コスパ/cost performanceの高低で満足度が決まるだけだ。ましてや「感謝の念を持ちなさい」と人に言うのは非現実的だろう。「感謝をしよう。」とは「平和は大切だ。」と同じくらいスローガン的だ。