"Words" 言葉

June 25, 2020 ·
As June approaches its end, temperatures in Madrid start to rise rapidly from around 10am.
However, a walk in the park early in the morning is truly refreshing.
As I entered the vast park, I could no longer see the clearly defined shapes of cars and buildings, and instead, a world appeared that was a mixture of shapes such as trees, grass, soil, and the sky. come.
I was once again reminded that the natural world is essentially a unified entity with no clear distinctions.
However, even in this chaotic park, I always take the same path, so I don't get lost even though there are no artificial landmarks.It saves me the need to pay attention to and recognize the things that surround me, and allows me to have a dialogue with my inner world while still being in contact with the outside world.
One of the reasons we seek nature is probably because it allows us to relax our minds tired from daily cognitive tasks.
According to neuroscientists, the stimuli we receive directly from the surrounding space through our five senses are sent to the right brain as images.The situation recognized by the right hemisphere is then sent to the left hemisphere, where it is contextualized and becomes "words."
However, if "words" were to take on a life of their own, the world would turn into a collection of only knowledge.
In other words, knowledge is the only basis for making decisions, and it is only through this knowledge that we communicate with each other. And the experience of the encounter between the body and the environment becomes less and less important.
When we see something, "words" intervene before we can "feel" what it is, and we may just think we know what it is.
This means that we can only understand the world through the number of words.
When we place ourselves in nature and stop separating and judging the world based on words, we find that our hearts begin to react. It may be the sound of leaves rustling, the feel of stepping on the soil, or the chirping of birds.
This is the moment when we realize that we and nature are one through our senses, not through words.
However, it is necessary to have this experience not only in nature but also in daily life.
Isn't art the ability to remove the label of "words" from all things and see the world as it really is?
Picasso says: "I do not seek, I find."
It is not possible to seek new things that do not yet have ``words'' attached to them.
2020年6月25日 ·