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"Artificial nature" 人工的自然

July 4, 2020 ·

Several kinds of birds sing in the park, and ducks swim in the pond.The well-mowed lawn is splashed with water and looks really green.The wind blowing through the trees seems to carry the scent of flowers.

Nature is truly beautiful.

Just by coming to this place, slightly away from the hustle and bustle of the city, I can feel its outstanding beauty.

However, isn't this park able to enjoy its ``natural'' appearance precisely because city workers spend countless hours caring for it throughout the year?

In other words, can we say that the "nature" that is familiar to us is artificially created?

Thankfully, we are able to appreciate nature precisely because we live in safe, controlled artificial environments.

It may seem ironic, but isn't it this artificial power that teaches us the beauty of "nature"?

Would we be able to feel the same feelings if we placed ourselves in the cruel and harsh nature of snowy mountains, deserts, or jungles?

``Nature,'' which humans have spent a long time and wisdom overcoming and managing, can also be interpreted as an ambition to conquer and control ``nature.''

As a result of that ironic side effect, human society is now poisoned and sick.

How should humans and nature coexist?

In the Christian Old Testament, the Book of Genesis, it is written as follows:

God commanded, ``Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that creeps upon the earth.''

In other words, human control and ownership over everything that exists in ``nature'' is loudly proclaimed.

For humans, the best form of ``nature'' was not a primitive barbaric state, but a civilized state conquered and controlled by humans.

It is easy for us today to condemn this idea, saying, ``It is an ideology that promotes the destruction of nature by making nature serve the purpose of serving humans.''

However, the Old Testament is a history of how the Jews were persecuted by other ethnic groups and reached the ``Promised Land'' after a long and unimaginably harsh journey.

With their previous mentality of being dependent on both nature and humans, it would have been impossible for their people to survive.

Independence from Mother Nature, spiritual castration was necessary.

Then, they broke away from their previous earth-mother-like polytheism to patriarchal monotheism.

This spiritual revolution from the feminine principle to the masculine principle was occurring all over the world at the time, including in Judaism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and ancient Greek philosophy.

The ideal of ``nature'' was not a pristine, primitive state, but a system conquered, managed, and organized by humans.

That is the civilization of ``nature'' through anthropocentrism.

Furthermore, Protestantism, born of the religious reform that began in the 16th century, encouraged diversity of thought, and at the same time its teachings required believers to work hard and economize.

As a result, the capitalist spirit of profit-seeking, the acquisition of wealth by God's grace, was born.

People at that time believed the Bible's Genesis literally as it was translated into their own language.

With implicit slogans such as ``It is God's will to exploit nature'' and ``Let's civilize nature,'' they relentlessly rushed toward the destruction of nature as warriors of capitalist society.

It can be said that the spirit of ``more knowledge, more power'' has further escalated.

However, the Christian world alone cannot solve the environmental problems that are currently becoming a global issue.

We need to go back to recognizing the value of all life in nature, including humans.

In Japan, coexistence with nature has been the norm since the Jomon period, about 15,000 years ago, and the idea of polytheism based on the Mother God is ingrained in our DNA.

Fortunately or unfortunately, it can be said that the spiritual revolution toward patriarchal monotheism did not occur in Japan. Japan may not have the power to dominate the world, but its people know how to love the beauty of nature.

However, at the same time, we must not forget that the word ``beauty'' is also a wonderful ``artificial'' product that humans have spent countless hours cultivating and perfecting.

2020年7月4日 ·











人類が長い時間と叡智をかけて克服、管理してきた「自然」は、同時に、「自然」を征服し, 支配しようという野心であったとも言い換えられる。






人間にとって「自然」の最上の姿は,原始的野蛮状態でなく,人間 によって征服、コントロールされた文明化状態であった。







その中で理想とされた「自然」は,無垢な原始状態ではなく、人間 によって征服、管理,整理されたシステムであった。














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