"Tradition and Creativity" 伝統と創造性

June 6, 2020 ·
Today, all national museums, including the Prado Museum, have finally reopened.
This is the first time the museum has opened in about three months. Of course, I rushed over immediately.
There was a long line even though I went there 20 minutes before the museum opened at 10:30. We art fans were all happy.
In order to avoid crowding, the exhibits throughout the museum have been kept compact.
A journalist friend of mine was also there. He had been invited to the opening ceremony hosted by the Minister of Culture held 30 minutes before opening. He kept showing me videos of the quartet at the ceremony, making me envious.
I don't visit this museum very often, but I realized once again that the existence of this museum was a tremendous spiritual support for us.
This cultural triangle, which is bordered by the Prado Museum, the Sofia Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Thyssen Museum, offers a wealth of art ranging from Gothic art to contemporary art, making it a strong base for Spanish culture.
Today's national opening ceremony shows how important culture is to this country.
What more do we artists want?
It is dangerous to get lost in tradition. But ignoring tradition is even more foolish. Rejecting tradition does not create anything new.
If we follow what Edison said, ``Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% effort,'' we can say that ``Creation is 1% originality and 99% tradition.''
New creations do not come from scratch.
On the contrary, it is born from the womb that harbors the ways of thinking that have been accumulated up until then, and the phenomena that appear and disappear there.
The two hours of paintings gave me a pleasant feeling of fatigue, and the beer I drank at the temporary café on the museum's terrace was the most delicious.
Coincidentally, today was Velasquez's birthday.
2020年6月6日 · プライバシー設定: 公開
約3ヶ月ぶりの開館だ。私も勿論真っ先に駆けつけた。 10時30分開館の20分前に行ったにも拘らず長蛇の列。 アートファンは皆喜び合っている。
全館がコンパクトにまとめられた展示になっている。余計な混雑を避けるためだ。 私の友人ジャーナリストも来ていた。彼は開館30分前に開かれた文化大臣主催のオープニング・セレモニーに招待されていたのだ。しきりにセレモニーでの四重奏のビデオを私に見せてくれ羨ましがらせてくれる。
伝統に埋没してしまうことは危険だ、しかし伝統を無視することはもっと愚かだ。伝統を拒否しても新しいものは生まれない。エジソンの言う「天才とは、1%のひらめきと99%の努力である」に倣うならば、「創造とは、1% の独創と 99% の伝統である」と言える。
新しい創造は、全くの白紙から生まれてくるのではない。 反対に、それまで積み重ねられてきた思考法、そしてそこに見え隠れする現象を宿す胎内から生み出される。