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“Dive into Chaos” カオスに飛び込め

"Pollen" Toshiro Yamaguchi

May 7, 2020

The coronavirus crisis has led us to experience a life different from our routines.

When the environment is stable, we can repeat our usual lives.

However, when such a sudden change in the environment occurs, conservative individuals and organizations that have only done the same thing all the time cannot keep up with the change in the environment.

Those who haven't taken a risky adventure by then are more likely to be left behind.

Once successful, whether individuals or organizations, they dare to refuse to engage in dangerous experiments or adventures.

However, no one can predict the changes of the times.

Wasn't the adventure that seemingly threatened its successful position a bet needed to survive the changing times?

Chaotic acts that disrupt the order of life are also important in expanding the limited possibilities.

That may be the reason why we instinctively seek a little breathing leisure and gambling-like disorder in an orderly social life.

The seemingly useless "play" is actually an exciting experience that we get through play, creating new possibilities that we never expected, outside of the rhythm of our usual lives.

It's exciting because it's new and fresh.

In other words, playing in a world outside of order will connect us to a new imagination.

And it will be a creation to deviate from the routine daily life and discover innumerable possibilities in chaos.

In the world of art, a new movement has always emerged from the edge of chaos like a guerrilla.

Each of us artists will need to break through the stability that has been fixed by ourselves through risky experiments and adventures.

It's easy to know. Whether the action you are doing is as fresh and exciting as the children will feel.

After living in poverty, Picasso finally gained fame in the "Blue Period" and "Rose Age".

If he continued to do so, he would have been ranked as Modigliani in the history of art.

However, he flatly abandoned his fame and spent the next 10 months completing "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon".

The result was criticized and no one recognized the value of the work. Everyone thought Picasso was over.

But subsequent history has justified his bet.

Art is a grand bet that "is betting on life itself."

















ピカソも貧困生活を経て、やっと「青の時代/Blue Period」と「ばらの時代」で名声を勝ち得た。


しかし彼はきっぱりと名声を捨て、次の10ヶ月掛けて「アヴィニョンの娘たち /Les Demoiselles d'Avignon」を完成させた。結果は非難轟々で、誰もその作品の価値を認めなかった。これで誰もがピカソは終わりだと思った。





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