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"Crying hydrangeas" 泣く紫陽花

June 8, 2020 ·

I am usually in Japan in May and June every year. However, due to the current coronavirus crisis, I cannot leave Spain.

During this rainy season in Japan, the image of hydrangeas soaking in the rain in gardens and temples comes to mind.

Of course, I knew that hydrangeas bloom in Madrid as well.

As the Japanese name for hydrangea (purple sun flower) suggests, the hydrangea in this photo seems to be enjoying its vibrancy and life under the strong sunlight.

However, unlike the bright red roses blooming nearby, these hydrangeas, although red, have a modest feel to them. Still, my eyes are more drawn to the hydrangea.

Is this related to the current feelings of stress caused by the coronavirus, such as anxiety, fear, sadness, and regret?

According to psychiatrists, these negative emotions occur when we feel overwhelmed and our very existence is at risk. We ``scream'' or ``cry'' in order to assert and hold on to our disappearing ``self-existence.''

When we shed tears, it can be said that we protect ourselves by flushing out the negative emotions that arise in our hearts like garbage.

The anxiety and fear that I had been holding back until then, combined with the appearance of the hydrangea in front of me, was released as if a dam had been cut.

And I burst into tears.

``Crying'' and ``screaming'' are natural self-defense reactions for humans.

Despite this, for some reason, as we grow older, we cry less and less.





しかし近くに真っ赤に強烈に咲いているバラと違い、これらは赤い紫陽花でありながら、どこか控えめで慎ましさが感じられる。それでもより紫陽花に目が引き寄せられる 。






「雨の日に アジサイの下で 泣きました」(子供が作った俳句)。



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