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“Dragon Shadow-why is there something rather than nothing?”

Thanks to the photographs invented in the middle of the 19th century, people began to recognize the time “now” strongly. Since then, the painters have begun to draw not only myths and stories as before, but also the events unfolding right in front of them.

Moreover, leaving realistic works to photographs, Impressionist painters were able to express them with a personal feeling. It was the birth of a personal expression painting. In other words, photography gave birth to the idea of ​​individuality in the art world. Happy end.

However, troublesome problem caused by “time” that people have just become aware of came out. Even if you draw the scene in front of you on the spot, it is just the time when the picture was drawn, not the time flowing to the audience watching the picture on display. In other words, universal “time” that is not related to a specific time and place is not expressed.

But, is it possible to express "time"? Since then, the approach to “time” of contemporary art started in the early 20th century has begun. For example appeared at the time "Futurism” and its artists tried to draw the dog as if it were moving by drawing a lot of dog legs.

Nevertheless, it was too naive to express the “time” very convincingly, instead its method has been used successfully in the movie showing continuously pictures. I think that the cubism that Picasso and Black started succeeded to express the concept of “time” brilliantly.

Immediately after photograph was invented, photographer Nadar took pictures of the city of Paris riding a balloon. He made a map of Paris by cutting and pasting these photos he took. This was the first time people were able to get to know Paris in detail.

At the age of twenty, Picasso came to Paris from the Spanish countryside and immediately took a lot of pictures with a camera that would have been expensive at the time. And it's no wonder Picasso came up with the same way to approach reality that photographer Nadar did. I mean, Picasso would think that a more detailed "map" of model could be made just like a round earth on a single world map by drawing the model not only from the front but also from various angles and connecting them together.

Many of us wonder contrary to the name of Cubism, why their pictures are not three-dimensional at all, but rather flat. It's because they turned the three-dimensional world into the plane like a map. Rather it should be called "Planarism".

Picasso took a way to observe and confirm how the entire model would appear in their consciousness. The impressionist technique, which captures the world that appears outside as an objective model by putting colors, can convey only a small part of the model information.

Cubism artists stopped watching objects like table, pipes, bottles, glasses, newspapers, etc. that were placed in front of them as a series of colors reflected in the retina. Instead they started to analize objects what they meant and how they related to them.

Furthermore, throughout y being involved closely with “objects”, they would realize that these “things” had changed from mere substances of three-dimensional size and color to “existence”. In other words, each “object” if it's deeply involved with us is not a fixed and isolated object, but a melody that resonates continuous and overlapping in the “past”, the “present”, and the “future” that immediately follows.

And each note could be a image made by “gap” of time that occurred every time in which “object” was watched from different angle. Consequently the changing images in the painting make us recognize the passage of time. If so, "existence" could be confirmed and generated over time?

20 years after 1907 in which Picasso completed “Les Demoiselles d'Avignon”, the pioneer of cubism, Heidegger's “Being and Time” was published, and the philosophy world trembled. "What does being mean?”

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