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"The Triumph of Death" Pieter Bruegel      「死の勝利」ピーター・ブリューゲル

Facing this painting in the Prado Museum, I am struck with awe. Countless deads are killing the livings after another, and even the king is also about to be executed. At the end only the dead will begin to "be alive" in this world. This painting is traditionally explained as representing the terrifying plague that spread in the Middle Ages throughout Europe. Is that really true? This painting was painted at the end of the 16th century, the end of the Renaissance, and the plague was in the 14th century, which means about 200 years ago. Certainly, the plague was one of the factors behind the Renaissance. 1) Loss of power of the Church due to the plague considered as a punishment of God in the medieval age killed even the Pope, as the agent of God, and the many clerics who could not stop the plague. 2) Many of the victims of the plague were elderly people, among them there were also many academics and authorities in various fields, and their death led to the emergence of new ideas of young people who had been suppressed. 3) A large number of serfs died, and the survivors received kind treatment from their feudal lord, their condition improved, and many serfs were released. Consequently, they began to have free time and the condition to accept free thought. Under this humanist thought, the Renaissance flourished and produced numerous artists with human ideas such as Brueghel. The plague was certainly horrible, but finally could be conquered thanks to Renaissance rationalism. So, if it were not for the plague, can we not think that Brueghel painted this painting to make an accusation against the irrationality of religion that became clear in the Dutch War of Independence that had begun after the Reformation in 1517? In the days when Breughel lived, the many Dutch converts from Catholic to Protestant were oppressed exhaustively by King Philip II of Spain as plague, who at that time ruled the Netherlands. Thus, the Dutch war of independence for 80 years broke out against the oppression. Brueghel was in the vortex of turbulence. If he was one side of Protestant, surely he would have been thrown into the fire. He could not paint the anti-Catholic painting. But, I think. That he was neither Catholic nor Protestant, and in this painting he wanted to hint darkly that such a religious confrontation was more terrifying than the plague, and that it would be necessary to stop having the idea of binomial opposition as "Black or White" or "Good or Bad", used to create the world where only Catholics could live by annihilating Protestants, or vice versa. The oppression of thought and the coercion of religion continue nowadays. ラド美術館でこの絵の前に立つと、底知れぬ畏怖を感じる。 夥しい数の死の骸骨が生者を次々に殺している。 最後まで抵抗する王も直に殺され、最後にこの世には死者だけが「生き」始めるだろう。これは中世、ヨーロッパ中に猛威を振るったペストの恐ろしさを表していると説明される。 そうだろうか?

この絵が描かれたのはもう後期ルネッサンスの16世紀中ごろで、ペスト流行は200年前の14世紀である。 確かにペストがルネッサンスの幕開けの要因のひとつである。

1)神の懲罰と考えられていた中世に神の代理人である教皇を始め多くの聖職者にまでペストの被害が及んだことで教会権力の失墜。 2)ペストの被害者の多くは老人で、それは学問を始めさまざまな分野の権威者であり、彼らの死によりそれまで抑えられていた新しい考えが芽生えた。 3)膨大な数の農奴が死に、比例して生存者は領主から厚遇され、その地位が次向上し、農奴解放が進んだ。結果、自由な時間と自由な考えを受け入れるゆとりがが生まれた。 こうして開花した人間中心的思想の下でルネッサンスが開花し、ブリューゲル等のヒューマンな考えの芸術家を輩出した。

ペストは確かに恐ろしいものだが、それは神の懲罰ではなく、ルネサンスの理性主義精神で制圧された。 ブリューゲルの描きたかったのはむしろ1517年に始まった宗教改革が要因で起きたオランダ独立戦争で浮き彫りにされた宗教の持つ非合理性だったのではないか?




しかし私は思う。 彼はカソリックでもプロテスタントでもなく、むしろそういう宗教上の対立こそがペスト以上に恐ろしく愚かなことだと暗示したかったのじゃないか?プロテスタントを根こそぎ撲滅してカソリックだけが生きる世界、あるいはその反対の「白か黒か」、「正か悪か」の二項対立の考えこそ無くしていかなければならないと。 思想の弾圧、宗教の強要は今でもある。

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