"The Garden of Earthly Delights" Hieronymus Bosch
Traditionally it's believed that these three panels are represented in the order from left to right as the past, present and future. ...

"Sistine Chapel ceiling" Michelangelo
When I saw Sistine Chapel ceiling of Michelangelo in the Vatican in my twenties, caught my breath. Seemed to me that it was the best job...

"Concetto spaziale, Attese" Lucio Fontana
Fontana questioned the common sense that is "the painting must be painted on the canvas". So he cut the canvas and made holes in it, and...

"Senecio" Paul Klee
Throughout his life, Paul Klee used color in varied and unique ways, and maintained a relationship with him that progressed over time. It...

"Claude Picasso drawing" Pablo Picasso
"It took me a long time to become a child," said Picasso in his last years of life. From his father who was a professor of academic...

"The Weeping Woman" Pablo Picasso
It is happy to be able to cry. Because, we cry when we lose something important and irreplaceable, and that means that we once had that...

"Sunflowers" Van Gogh
"Sunflowers" loved by Van Gogh grow fully towards the sun, enjoying life. There is nothing to be ashamed of, no sin. Die dropping many...

"Mona Lisa"
Leonardo da Vinci Musée du Louvre @ ルーブル美術館 In 1911, Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum. Picasso was also interrogated by the...

"The Garden of Earthly Delights" (detail) 「快楽の園」ヒエロニムス・ボッシュ(部分)
Hieronymus Bosch 「快楽の園」ヒエロニムス・ボッシュ Prado Museum @ プラド美術館 "The Garden of Earthly Delights" is said to be a fantastic and mististerious...

"The Procession to Calvary"
Bruegel 「ゴルゴダへの道」ブリューゲル Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna@ウィーン美術史美術館 This painting "The Procession to Calvary" by Bruegel has the air of...