"Adam and Eve" Albrecht Dürer
Every time I look at an apple, it reminds me of that story: Adam and Eve, seduced by the devil, eat the forbidden fruit and are exiled...

"Jogging"and "Dream"
It took me several years to jog every morning to evaporate the alcohol taken the day before. But, what is? Normally, we run to get to...

"The Triumph of Death" Pieter Bruegel 「死の勝利」ピーター・ブリューゲル
Facing this painting in the Prado Museum, I am struck with awe. Countless deads are killing the livings after another, and even the king...

Existence - 在ること
Today, in the usual greengrocer, this image captivated me. It was just a huge box full of apples. Then, why was I impressed? I felt it...

“Adam & Eve - the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel” Michelangelo
Pico della Mirandola develops its own creation myth which states that the essential being that God gives man is to be free. Free to...

“Pietà” Michelangelo
私が24歳の時、バチカンのサン・ピエトロ大聖堂でミケランジェロの「ピエタ」を見て感動した記憶は未だに生々しい。偶然彼が24歳の時の作品で、とても大理石で作られたとは思えなかった。 ただ、何故死んだイエスを抱く聖母が20代の女性にしか見えなかったことがずっと気になっていた。...

“Saint Catherine” Caravaggio
Today, I saw only a Carabaggio's work," Saint Catherine" recently restored at the Thyssen Museum. Carabaggio, a man who appeared as a...

Richard Serra
"Art is not pleasant, it is not democratic, art is not for the people" affirms . I think, it means that the identity of a human being is...

"Corona Boreal"
The natural composition of the characters in this painting, which apparently seems like a snapshot, however the true intention...

Michelangelo vs Pablo Picasso
Michelangelo, the Renaissance great master. Pablo Picasso, the giant of the twentieth century. There is a strange common point between...