"Baroque" バロック美術
June 18, 2020 · I finally got a ticket with limited number of visitors every 30 minutes and entered the Rembrandt exhibition hall. The...

"Rembrandt and Velazquez" レンブラントとベラスケス
June 14, 2020 · Rembrandt and the portrait in Amsterdam, 1590-1670 The "Rembrandt Exhibition", which was suspended due to the coronavirus...

"World refugee day" 世界難民の日
June 12, 2020 · Many people are enjoying walking and jogging in Cruces Park this morning. More people than before the coronavirus crisis....

"Hide and seek" かくれんぼ"
”Flow" June 9, 2020 The pond was gone. It was certainly full of water until yesterday, and ducks were swimming around. ``Uncle Duck,''...

"Crying hydrangeas" 泣く紫陽花
June 8, 2020 · I am usually in Japan in May and June every year. However, due to the current coronavirus crisis, I cannot leave Spain....

"Tradition and Creativity" 伝統と創造性
June 6, 2020 · Today, all national museums, including the Prado Museum, have finally reopened. This is the first time the museum has...

June 3, 2020 · I talked to a Spanish friend for the first time in a while on the terrace of my usual bar. I asked him, ``The quarantine...

“Useless Value” 役に立たない価値
May 29, 2020 廣榮堂中納言店2019 As the coronavirus crisis begins to subside in Madrid, supplies such as medical masks, alcohol and...

“Time to start moving” 動け!
May 27, 2020 In Madrid, bar terraces opened this week and parks became free to enter. Now I can resume my morning walks and jogging like...

”Dream of Reality” 現実の夢
May 25, 2020 · Just as there is no night that does not end, there is no dream that does not wake up. If you never wake up from a dream,...