"Seated Man" Paul Cézanne
Paul Cézanne Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 “What I wanted was to make of Impressionism something solid and durable, like the art of...

Van Gogh vs Pablo Picasso
"Les Vessenots en Auvers" Vincent Van Gogh Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 "Bullfighting"Pablo Picasso Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 Picasso gained...

The Descent from the Cross
Rogier van der Weyden ファン・デル・ウェイデン Prado Museum @ プラド美術館 St. John keeps shedding tears for over 500 years. この聖ヨハネ500年以上涙を流し続けている。 ...

"Good Hope Road II. Pastoral"
Arshile Gorky Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 This painting may be considered a typical example of his biomorphic abstraction, which...

"Portrait of George Dyer in a Mirror"
Francis Bacon Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 A true artist who did nothing except what he liked. He died of a heart attack on 28 April 1992 in...

Joan Miró - ミロの絵
"The Lightning Bird Blinded by Moonfire" Joan Miró Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 Miro's painting shows a more cosmic extension than human....

Let's go to the Museum!
Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 Among the visitors are included from children to seniors. That means they have visited the museum throughout...

@ マドリッド国立考古学博物館 Romanesque is a power spot, and full of positive energy. That is the harmony of the "universe", where there is a sense of...

Portrait of Prince Balthasar Charles
Diego Velázquez - ベラスケス Prado Museum @ プラド美術館 I bought this "painting". When I was a high school student, I bought a duplicate of this...

Las Meninas - ラス・メニーナス
Velázquez - ベラスケス Prado Museum @ プラド美術館 The French critic and writer, Théophile Gautier, who contemplated Las Meninas in the Prado in...