Lucio Muños and Me
I shuddered when I saw the retrospective of Lucio Muños at the Reina Sofía Museum in 1988. At the same time, a two-week workshop...

"Harlequin with mirror"
Pablo Picasso Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 How calm this painting is! Calm comes after stress. The greater the stress, the greater the...

Kaguya's ship - かぐやの船
廣榮堂倉敷雄鶏店 @ Koeido Kurashiki Yukeiten 今回の作品「竹取物語」は、育てられた老夫婦と別れて元居た月に帰っていくかぐや姫がテーマとなる。 銀色に輝く満月「銀の月」に向かってかぐや姫は18艙の「かぐやの船」に守られて連れ去られる(オリジナルで...

"Black Cries"
José Guerrero Reina Sofia Museum @ レイナ・ソフィア美術館 When I participated in the workshop of Jose Guerrero, a Grenadian great painter, about...

Lucio Muños and Me
I shuddered when I saw the retrospective of Lucio Muños at the Museo Reina Sofía in 1988. At the same time, I heard that a two-week...

Goya vs Picasso
"Black Painting" by Goya, @ Prado Museum, Madrid "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" by Picasso @ Museum of Modern Art, New York After gained...

The Annunciation
Fra Angelico フラ・アンジェリコ Prado Museum @ プラド美術館 プラド美術館に行くと先ずこの絵の前に立つ。 青を見るためだ。ラピスラズリ(青い石)が遥か海の向こう(ウルトラマリン)のアフガニスタンからベネツィアに着く。さらにこの硬い石を砕き、気の...

Les Vessenots in Auvers
Vincent van Gogh Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 We are very lucky to see three works by Van Gogh in this museum. This work was painted a few...

Portrait of a boy
Piero della Francesca Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 The clear and simple composition, and bright colors of his works have something in...

Mediterranean landscape
Nicolas de Staël Thyssen Museum @ ティッセン美術館 Una de las obras que me gustan más en este museo. And sour‐sweet memories of my adolescent...